Our Service


Hello! I'm Melati Octavia.

Experienced in startup and media industry since college. Big fan of writing on digital marketing such as copywriting, content writing, SEO writing, and UX writing. Starting in 2010, I've created impacts through a copy from much various writing styles.

Besides working, I also spend my time as a freelance WordPress programmer, copywriter, and lifestyle blogger at www.melatioctavia.com. I'm enthusiast people to learn everything. I'm having the ability with basic graphic design and programming.

Thank you to wanna know about me. I'm always open to partnerships with dynamic teams and companies. I also enjoy helping people and small businesses to make grow in the future! I'm loving discussion and sharing about creativity, marketing, and technology! Nice to meet you for future collaboration.

My Portfolio > bit.ly/PortofolioMelatioctavia

Our Service

Within my experience, I always open opportunities to freelance, project-based, and consultation in digital marketing services.


  • Writing clear and error-free content for a website that reflects the company’s voice
  • Meeting with clients to understand their message, brand voice, and target audience
  • Proposing copy concepts in an engaging way for clients and carrying out projects once they are approved
  • Interpreting creative direction and technical information and turning them into persuasive copy concepts
  • Collaborating with PR and marketing departments to brainstorm and develop a variety of marketing materials
  • Working with clients to edit and modify the copy to meet their content expectations


  • Collaborate with UX designers, product teams, and researchers to craft language systems across a variety of contexts, including UI components, to editorial content, to help text
  • Design scalable systems and structures to support large amounts of content
  • Anticipate customer needs based on their objectives and explore innovative solutions in a space where little precedence exists
  • Create user-centered solutions by considering market segment analysis, customer feedback, site metrics, and usability findings
  • Use business requirements and customer research to assist in developing scenarios, use cases, and high-level requirements
  • Collaborate with UX designers to quickly and iteratively create interaction flows, wireframes, and design mock-ups throughout the design process


  • Research industry-related topics (combining online sources, interviews and studies)
  • Write clear marketing copy to promote our products/services
  • Prepare well-structured drafts using Content Management Systems
  • Proofread and edit blog posts before publication
  • Submit work to editors for input and approval
  • Coordinate with marketing and design teams to illustrate articles
  • Conduct simple keyword research and use SEO guidelines to increase web traffic
  • Promote content on social media
  • Identify customers’ needs and gaps in our content and recommend new topics
  • Ensure all-around consistency (style, fonts, images and tone)
  • Update website content as needed


  • Listen to and comprehend instructions for voiceover projects.
  • Study actors in order to determine their specific personalities.
  • Practice voiceovers to set quality and tone.
  • Obtain instruction and guidance for voice quality, tone, and speed.
  • Read scripts in order to determine what needs to be said.
  • Provide initial voiceover takes.
  • Meet with directors and go over scripts in order to understand what needs to be said, and how.
  • Check sound systems in recording studios.
  • Read the script once and acquire guidance for changes.
  • Provide takes until one is finalized.
  • Perform innovations, for example, multiple voices and voice changes.
  • Develop new voices for mimicry projects.
  • Bring out the personality of the character through constant practice.
  • Alter voice pitch depending on the scene being voiced over for.
  • Ensure that the quality of voice remains the same throughout the voiceover session.
  • Provide a voice for video games, by assuming a narrative or a creative tone.
  • Practice different accents.
  • Watch a playback of videos in order to time voices.
  • Deliver the same lines in a number of different ways.
  • Sing songs related to the character, both for projects where voice has been lent, and those voiced over by other actors